Solving the Agile riddle

Solving the Agile riddle

In 2001, a group of 17 developers met to find a common ground between many ways to make software. They conceived the Agile Manifesto.

Since then, Agile has become an industry. You pay hefty sums and you get certified as Scrum Master or whatever the industry can think of.  

After you have paid those fat bills, you are in a religion. You will never question the validity of what you learned and probably you won’t understand what you are doing. Why to understand? Just apply what you are told and you will be fine.

Dave Thomas, one of the 17 developers who signed the Manifesto, thinks that Agile is dead and its values and principles have been misunderstood.

Agile values and principles are the result of decades of analysis. Developers studied the outcome of innumerable projects and formulated four values and 12 principles that would greatly help software endeavours be successful.

Where is the riddle to solve?

It’s in the disturbing number of wrong uses of Agile you can see everywhere.

Agile is a radical change in a company’s culture. In a lot of cases, companies adopt it very quickly with the result that Agile becomes a covering for obsolete management practices. The latter continue to cause damage, but now with an Agile label stamped on them.

Thanks to my experience and independence, I understand Agile values and principles and can help you use them properly. You get better results, a motivated team, less headaches, less false expectations, less disappointments, more chances that your projects will see the light, and less useless code produced.      

What about a free chat with me to see how I can help you with your Agile implementation? Click here to contact me.


Photo by  NeONBRAND   on  Unsplash