The purpose of life

The purpose of life

The only sane, rational and satisfactory purpose we human beings can give to our life is to be happy.

Happy people make no war, work together to solve problems, help each other when they make mistakes, enjoy the freedom to be themselves and don’t become politicians.

Unfortunately it seems that we do our best not to be happy. We don’t do it on purpose, we just don’t realise that we are the cause of our misery.

There are more ways we have to make ourselves unhappy than stars in the sky.

One of them is to try to become omnipotent and escape from our fear.

We get obsessed with making money well beyond what we need to live comfortably thinking unknowingly that this will transform our fears into just a collection of bad memories.

It won’t. We will discover that money and power will seem to never be enough precisely because no amount of them will make us feel safe and heal our fear.

We will live our entire life miserably.

Only one thing can make fear evaporate, can you imagine what?