Obedient or stupid?

Is obedience a good thing, a virtue, a value?

Parents rejoice when their children do what they are told.

Teachers think they are successful if their students repeat like parrots what they are supposed to learn.

Employers are happy when employees follow directions.

Priests have as a mission to tell you what you must do, what you must believe, what you must think and what you must feel.

There are people who think that a society where everyone does their duty and never rebels is the perfect society.

Obedience makes us stupid.

When you have no other option than to obey, you stop asking yourself why you are doing what you are doing.

You become stupid.

Can you be happy if you are stupid?

You don’t understand what is happening to you.

You don’t realise that you are being used.

You don’t give a damn to world’s problems.

TV hypnotizes you, makes you even more stupid and anaesthetizes your pain.

Isn’t this to be happy?

Sometimes truth breaks through the thick walls of your stupidity and makes you terribly afraid.

Maybe stupidity isn’t that unbreakable recipe for happiness you thought it was.