Author: esantanche

  • Solving the Agile riddle

    Solving the Agile riddle

    In 2001, a group of 17 developers met to find a common ground between many ways to make software. They conceived the Agile Manifesto. Since then, Agile has become an industry. You pay hefty sums and you get certified as Scrum Master or whatever the industry can think of.   After you have paid those fat…

  • Catch the tech

    Catch the tech

    I have used a large number of technologies in my career.    Just a few are: C, C++, Perl, Python, JavaScript, Ruby on Rails, HTML5, CSS3, Sass, Compass, Svelte, React, Fortran, Corba, Drupal, WordPress, bash, Linux, AIX, HP-UX, SNMP, SMTP, Websockets, MySQL, Sybase, Oracle, SELinux, Mediawiki, Tiddlywiki, Debian, rsync, Doxygen, Docular, AngularJS, Nagios, AWS, VPN,…

  • How to Create a Drupal 8 Custom REST API

    How to Create a Drupal 8 Custom REST API

    I use Drupal 8 as headless backend for my web applications. Drupal waits for the frontend to ask it for information. The frontend shows the data and interacts with the user. Drupal 8 allows me to create REST APIs writing no code. I just have to configure a view and the REST API comes free…

  • Version Control for Servers

    Version Control for Servers

    When installing, configuring and fine-tuning the software my server runs, many modifications occur.   Applications may tamper with settings when cron jobs run them.   I may tinker with properties in an ini file to improve performances.   Because of these changes, an application on the server may later stop working.   When this happens,…

  • Are you still using CVs in your hiring process?

    Are you still using CVs in your hiring process?

    Imagine you are in the process of choosing your next smart-phone. You want to be environmentally conscious and change it as few times as possible, but you have to replace it at least when it gets too slow to run your favourite applications. They become more power-hungry by the day. You start your quest for…

  • Why Most Software Projects Fail

    Why Most Software Projects Fail

    Imagine an architect designing an electronic circuit. It’s wonderful. Circuits like tree-lined avenues, transistors like refreshing fountains, capacitors like shopping centres full of sparkling goodies, resistors like safe tunnels and inductors like energizing attraction parks. Or maybe it’s better if we have electronic engineers design circuits, not architects. Why do train-wreck managers design the organizations…

  • Managing time

    Managing time

    I will help you waste less time and improve your focus. I’ll lead you to implement your very own GTD™ process. Getting Things Done by David Allen is a methodology I use every day and every minute of my working time to organize my time and focus on my tasks. The most important benefit GTD…

  • Managing motivation

    Managing motivation

    I will help you improve motivation. Any intellectual activity needs motivation in the same way flowers need water to grow. Unfortunately many workplaces use wrong motivational techniques that do much more harm than good. I’ll help you design and implement the right motivation strategies, the ones that take advantage of the latest findings. I will…

  • Designing recruitment processes

    Designing recruitment processes

    I’ll help you create a recruitment process that selects really good developers and technology professionals. I will improve your recruitment practices. I’ll devise with you practices that convey the right messages to candidates. I will take care to design the process so that it doesn’t become stressful or meaningless for recruiters. I will analyse with…

  • Tackling management by fear

    Tackling management by fear

    Management by fear is that way to organise our activities that comes from the assumption that fear will exhort people to produce more and better results. It’s pervasive in many workplaces and it can be very damaging.   Many managers think it’s unavoidable and that it really produces results. Actually, the assumption it stems from is…