Catch the tech

Catch the tech

I have used a large number of technologies in my career.   

Just a few are: C, C++, Perl, Python, JavaScript, Ruby on Rails, HTML5, CSS3, Sass, Compass, Svelte, React, Fortran, Corba, Drupal, WordPress, bash, Linux, AIX, HP-UX, SNMP, SMTP, Websockets, MySQL, Sybase, Oracle, SELinux, Mediawiki, Tiddlywiki, Debian, rsync, Doxygen, Docular, AngularJS, Nagios, AWS, VPN, MRTG, DNS, Nginx, Apache, PHP, Monit, Ansible, CSSinJS, semaphores, shared memory, threads, JSON, RESTful APIs, Node.js, ssh, sshfs, Docker, Solaris, OS/2, CDN (Content Delivery Network), Jest, Enzyme, WebStorm, Confluence, Jira, git, Flowplayer, JWPlayer, Adobe HTTP Dynamic Streaming, Java, RT Request Tracker, JDBC, jQuery, SQL, VM/CMS, OS/2, SEO, ADR (Architectural Decision Record), VoIP.

I can help you evaluate a technology, ponder the risk of its adoption, see how easy-to-use it is, check its level of support, appraise how steep the learning curve is, study the feasibility of its integration, and investigate common problems related to it.

My additional point of view will make you more confident when deciding to adopt a technology.


Photo by  Keith Johnston on Unsplash