Category: Projects

  • Unicredit


    At the request of person concerned and for the purposes permitted by the law, it is hereby certified that Mr. Emanuele Santanché, born in Ascoli Piceno on June 14 1966 and residing, as of the present letter, in Monterondo (Rome), via dei Garibaldini 41, has been employee of this company from January 1, 2001 to…

  • IBM for Government (Prefecture)

    IBM for Government (Prefecture)

    Hereby Mario Notturno of IBM Semea S.p.A. certifies the participation of Emanuele Maria Santanchè, as Software Development Project Manager, in the project ‘Milan Efficiency’ commissioned by the client ‘Milan Prefecture’ (in Italy Prefectures are similar to UK counties). Projects goals The project’s goal was to digitize the complex administrative procedure aiming to evaluate appeals against…

  • IBM – Intel Corporation

    IBM – Intel Corporation

    Hereby Massimo Zannori of IBM Semea S.p.A. certifies the participation of Emanuele Maria Santanchè, as Software Developer, in the project ‘Performance Monitoring’ realised by IBM Semea S.p.A. for the client Intel Corporation. Architecture and functionalities of the information system ‘Performance Monitoring’ The system is composed of a three-level network of computers. At the top tier…

  • Making Earth-satellite communications better

    Making Earth-satellite communications better

    This was a project by the CNR, the Italian National Research Council. It was part of a bigger project, the realization of the Olympus communications satellite. The problem is: when it rains, communications are disturbed, so we use a backup antenna to communicate when the main one can’t communicate because of the rain. What distance should…

  • A laser eye for robots

    A laser eye for robots

    This was my thesis. I created a laser sensor which allowed a robot to determine the position of an object more accurately and avoid dropping it. It was based on the same technology used to make laser light shows. The program architecture was based on components and it was ahead of its time.

  • Intel Corporation and its thousands of servers

    Intel Corporation and its thousands of servers

    I worked in the IBM Rome Software Laboratory on a project for the Intel Corporation. My goal was to migrate an SNMP server from OS/2 to Windows. The server application was intended to run on thousands of servers gathering information in real time about applications’ performance. The software was part of the Tivoli Suite. I…