Category: Services
Lezioni di matematica, informatica e fisica
Mi chiamo Emanuele Santanché. Mi sono laureato in Ingegneria al Politecnico di Milano. Quando ero adolescente leggevo la Teoria della Relatività. Offro lezioni di matematica, informatica e fisica. Come suggeriscono i due bambini qui sopra, i segreti dell’educazione non sono più tali per me. Questo grazie a Erich Fromm, John Holt, John Taylor Gatto, Alfie…
Supporting British Charities
I’ve first-hand experience of how hard it is to run a British charity. I wanted to start a charity to help depressed teenagers. I have used a large number of technologies in my career. I can help you evaluate a technology, ponder the risk of its adoption, see how easy-to-use it is, check its…
Catch the tech
I have used a large number of technologies in my career. Just a few are: C, C++, Perl, Python, JavaScript, Ruby on Rails, HTML5, CSS3, Sass, Compass, Svelte, React, Fortran, Corba, Drupal, WordPress, bash, Linux, AIX, HP-UX, SNMP, SMTP, Websockets, MySQL, Sybase, Oracle, SELinux, Mediawiki, Tiddlywiki, Debian, rsync, Doxygen, Docular, AngularJS, Nagios, AWS, VPN,…
Managing time
I will help you waste less time and improve your focus. I’ll lead you to implement your very own GTD™ process. Getting Things Done by David Allen is a methodology I use every day and every minute of my working time to organize my time and focus on my tasks. The most important benefit GTD…
Managing motivation
I will help you improve motivation. Any intellectual activity needs motivation in the same way flowers need water to grow. Unfortunately many workplaces use wrong motivational techniques that do much more harm than good. I’ll help you design and implement the right motivation strategies, the ones that take advantage of the latest findings. I will…
Designing recruitment processes
I’ll help you create a recruitment process that selects really good developers and technology professionals. I will improve your recruitment practices. I’ll devise with you practices that convey the right messages to candidates. I will take care to design the process so that it doesn’t become stressful or meaningless for recruiters. I will analyse with…
Tackling management by fear
Management by fear is that way to organise our activities that comes from the assumption that fear will exhort people to produce more and better results. It’s pervasive in many workplaces and it can be very damaging. Many managers think it’s unavoidable and that it really produces results. Actually, the assumption it stems from is…
Taming the complexity beast
Complexity made old leadership practices obsolete long ago. The times when to give orders was enough to get results are gone. Many companies, startups and corporations alike, see their projects fail because of many problems. Some of them are: wrong practices bad developers misplaced expectations unchecked pressure disrupting deadlines misconceptions about motivation bad time management bad…
Paris and worldwide
I work with you in Paris, France and, remotely worldwide. Communication and cooperation tools I use are: Skype Google Hangouts Slack Email Mediawiki Github Confluence
30 days money back guarantee
Will we end up paying for useless software? Will we like it? This guy wants to be paid in advance! What if we waste money with him? Will we be able to work with him? What if we can’t understand each other? What if we discover that we wanted something completely different? Anything familiar? I…