Category: Tech

  • For people who want to become software developers

    For people who want to become software developers about why CV is dead Everything you can show is good. A video CV is good as well because employers want to see how you communicate, if you communicate clearly. If you reply to questions on Stackoverflow, employers will see you as competent. Participate in open source projects. Readings: Courses: We know…

  • More tech I can use

    More tech I can use

    Programming languages C/C++ Rust JavaScript TypeScript PHP Python Perl Node.js SQL Java Patterns MVVM MVC Automated testing Jest Enzyme Markup languages HTML5 CSS3 Sass CSSinJS File formats JSON XML Libraries jQuery GTK4 Video players JWPlayer Flowplayer Frameworks Svelte React Angular Compass CMS Drupal WordPress MediaWiki Tiddlywiki CiviCRM Databases MySQL Sybase Oracle APIs REST APIs JDBC…

  • How to Create a Drupal 8 Custom REST API

    How to Create a Drupal 8 Custom REST API

    I use Drupal 8 as headless backend for my web applications. Drupal waits for the frontend to ask it for information. The frontend shows the data and interacts with the user. Drupal 8 allows me to create REST APIs writing no code. I just have to configure a view and the REST API comes free…

  • Version Control for Servers

    Version Control for Servers

    When installing, configuring and fine-tuning the software my server runs, many modifications occur.   Applications may tamper with settings when cron jobs run them.   I may tinker with properties in an ini file to improve performances.   Because of these changes, an application on the server may later stop working.   When this happens,…

  • Googlebot doesn’t understand ES6, what to do about it

    When rendering the pages of our websites to index them, Googlebot can run JavaScript. It cannot understand the latest ES6 additions though. Using Babel we can compile ES6 JavaScript into ES5 one and let Googlebot see our pages.

  • PHP


    I have used PHP for 4 years. I have used it to write many REST APIs and backend algorithms. I like the use of Traits to reuse code.

  • Cplusplus


    I have used C++ for 7 years on complex projects. I can write about any feature of the language including bit fields, interprocess communication and multi-threading. I can write articles about how to write part of the SNMP protocol in C++.

  • Patterns


    I can write about architectural patterns and how frameworks implement them. Major architectural patterns are: MVC, Model View Controller MVP, Model View Presenter MVVM, Model View ViewModel Frameworks implementing them: Angular React Vue

  • Linux


    I have been using Linux for 10+ years. I have used it on servers and on desktops. I can cover: Installation on desktop Installation on server How to fix problems with SELinux How to configure SMTP relay Mysql backup automation to Google Nearline Storage Bash scripts to perform hundreds of administration tasks like dump and…

  • JavaScript


    I have been using JavaScript for 7+ years. I can write about: JavaScript and object oriented programming First class functions and pure functions Map, reduce, filter Factory functions and closures Mixins Node.js scripts Template literals Regular expressions Function composition much more